Haimatsu Technologies
Haimatsu Technologies
Sometime before 2015
Japan Japan
Abbo Sendeyo

Haimatsu Technologies, registered Haimatsu Jpn. and often known simply as Haimatsu (這い松), is a Japanese multinational technology conglomerate who produced much of the equipment used on PATHOS-II, an underwater research facility that Haimatsu, alongside Carthage Industries, has a vested interest in.

In SOMA, the company was likely de facto dissolved by the Impact Event, with the only known (former) employee surviving the event being the Haimatsu Project Manager for PATHOS-II, Abbo Sendeyo.


The name Haimatsu can be literally translated from Japanese to English as Creeping Pine, formally known as Pinus pumila.

21st Century

While the only identifiable item that Haimatsu Technologies manufactured are USB sticks, one of which can be found in Simon Jarrett's apartment and at PACE Laboratories, it is implied via a Haimatsu Technologies logo on a bulletin board at PACE Laboratories underneath a section labeled "Hardware" that most of the computers and equipment at PACE Laboratories were provided by Haimatsu Technologies. There's also a newspaper clipping found in Simon's desk with a cut off ad for Haimatsu Technologies on the back.

22nd Century

By the 22nd Century, Haimatsu Technologies had grown and progressed considerably, becoming a large conglomerate operating on the same scale as their partner company Carthage Industries, along with a complete corporate identity change. While the company becomes more known as simply Haimatsu, the Haimatsu Technologies name is still retained as seen in the instruction manuals of their products.

The most notable product manufactured by Haimatsu Technologies is the Omnitool, an all-in-one computer tool designed for security usage. They're also the producer of the Basic Ductile Suit and Haimatsu Power Suit, along with the Energy Pal S.3, the ZA-X2 Experimental Module, which is used as the framework for the ARK, the ST-77 Maser tool, and quite possibly their largest selection of technology, the Universal Helper series of robots, which may include the A95-Worker, a disabled robot unit that Simon only encounters in Omicron, from which he acquires a Cortex Chip. Along with this, they produced most, if not all, of the high pressure technology found in the Omega Sector, such as the terminals and lamps.

Along with several posters, schematics and manuals of Haimatsu's products seen all over PATHOS-II, there is an outdated clipboard found in John Strohmeier's room in Theta revealing that, pre-Impact, Abbo Sendeyo was Haimatsu's Project Manager on PATHOS-II. Along with this, there is a mysterious clipboard found in the room of Carthage Industries employee Mark Sarang featuring something confidential that has Haimatsu board of approval, confirming that Haimatsu Technologies was involved with Carthage Industries on PATHOS-II.


Universal Helper Series

Behind the Scenes

The Haimatsu logo was designed by David Didi Satzinger. On Satzinger's website, they mentioned that the inspiration for the Haimatsu logo was that of “old, dishwasher companies.”

In the early environmental teaser for Lambda, a R-UH is mentioned on the computer screen. This may be the same robot shown nearby a short ways from the computer in the same video.



21st Century



